
a simple web server
with the power of the future



No more pre-compile

These days, we have to do so many things before publishing the code. Babel, JSX, Sass and whatelse, they take extra steps and our time. Felt lets us be free from such messy things. It does all kinds of conversions of the front-end codes, for you. Forget the past, focus on the future!

$ npm i -g felt felt-recipe-minimal
$ cd path/to/project
$ felt

See more details at our repo on GitHub.

How it works

Behind the scenes, awesome stuff works together: Express, Rollup and PostCSS. Express is the de facto web server on Node. Rollup brings the speed to compilation for JavaScript. PostCSS translate futuristic codes into compatible CSS.

But the important thing is that we don't have to care about these technologies behind Felt. We provide "recipes" which are the combination of tools and the settings.

Recipes of the future

Felt runs right out of the box with its "recipes". Basic recipes cover 80% of the cases. On the other hand, we know a lot of special cases exist, too. So we have the mergeable config mechanism in it.

A recipe provides the information: which plugins we should use in PostCSS, Rollup and so on. We can overwrite some details with felt.config.js or via arguments. It means that you don't have to care about the detail, and also you have full controll of the configuration.